Promotion an der
Deakin University

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Deakin University is rated among the top 1% of universities worldwide for global research impact (ARWU 2022), with 100% of our research rated at or above world standard (ERA 2018).

Our international research network (spanning 50+ countries) is rated in the top 20 nationally (QS 2023). With over 500 active partnerships across more than 60 countries, we partner with universities, industry and research organisations to empower communities worldwide to realise their ideas and provide transformational innovations for global impact.

Our researchers rank in the top 20 in Australia for academic reputation and citations per faculty (QS 2023) and are listed among the top 1% globally (Highly Cited Researchers 2022).

With a proud history of translating research discoveries into tangible outcomes, our innovation pathways create new products, policies, services and ideas that are changing lives.

Key Research Areas

We’re making a positive impact for our communities through five interconnected impact themes based on our world leading capabilities that address global and national challenges.

  • Designing smarter technologies
  • Improving health and wellbeing
  • Enabling a sustainable world
  • Advancing society and culture
  • Building safe and secure communities

Top 5 Research Centres

  • Institute for Mental and Physical Health and Clinical Translation (IMPACT)
  • Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation (ADI)
  • Institute for Frontier Materials (IFM)
  • Institute for Intelligent Systems Research and Innovation (IISRI)
  • Applied Artificial Intelligence Institute (A²I²)

Top 5 Research Achievements

  1. A discovery that enables widespread adoption of hydrogen energy, with development of a mechanochemical way of separating and storing gases that uses a tiny fraction of the energy required for current methods and creates zero waste.
  2. A breakthrough in the race to discover new malaria treatments, as the malaria parasite becomes increasingly resistant to existing drugs. In collaboration with Monash University Australia, our researchers showed a new compound targets a particular enzyme the parasite needs for survival. This first-of-its-kind confirmation of the biological function of the enzyme enables further development of more potent inhibitors.
  3. Through Australia's largest recycling and clean energy advanced manufacturing ecosystem, REACH –– the Recycling and Clean Energy Commercialisation Hub, we are working with government, industry and education partners to establish a multi-billion-dollar bioeconomy and drive the nation's transition to a cleaner, greener future.
  4. Alfred Deakin Professor Fethi Mansouri, Director of the Alfred Deakin Institute for Citizenship and Globalisation (ADI) and UNESCO Chair for comparative research on 'Cultural Diversity and Social Justice', pioneered research on forced migration and asylum seekers that has enabled a deeper understanding of the social impacts of policy.
  5. Our research expertise at the forefront of cyber security technology development and intelligent systems is advancing practices to protect industry, business and government against unauthorised data access and cybercriminal activity. This is improving safety and security outcomes across the healthcare, transport and construction, security and defence, agriculture and manufacturing sectors.


  • 7 Research Insititutes, 7 Strategic Research and Innovation Centers
  • About 2000 Research Students
  • About 2000 Research Staff/Supervising academics


  • The GOstralia! Research Centre in cooperation with Deakin University award exclusive PhD full tution fee scholarships open to all faculties. More information
  • More funding information and application deadline available here.

Research Projects

DEAK Projects
